Honor Flight Maine
PO Box 699
Brunswick, ME 04011-0699

Arlington Cemetery

Honor Flight Maine Veterans at the WWII Memorial

Welcome Home.jpg

Arlington Cemetery


Honor Flight Maine recognizes and honors all Maine's Veterans for their service by flying them to Washington DC to visit and reflect at their memorials, at no cost to the Veteran. All Maine Veterans are eligible to travel with HFM regardless of if you served in a conflict or not. When choosing Veterans to go on the next trip, priority is given to our most elderly Veterans and those terminally ill.

Honor Flight Maine recognizes Maine's Veterans for their service and sacrifice by flying them to Washington DC to visit and reflect at their memorials. HFM would not be successful without the aid of guardians. Guardians play a significant role on every trip ensuring that every Veteran has a safe and memorable experience. Duties include, but are not limited to, physically assisting the Veteran at the airports, during the flight, and at the memorials.
NOTE: Guardians should be aged 18-75 (guardians not between the ages of 18 and 75 are subject to individual review and approval by HFM), in good health, cannot be a spouse, partner, or significant other, and are requested to make a donation of $500 at least one week prior to the trip to help partially defray the costs of their travel expenses.

Many hands make light work! Volunteers are vital to making our mission a success and we need you! If you have time and talent that you would like to donate to a worthy cause, please complete the Volunteer Application.